Call for papers
The goal of the workshop is to encourage sharing best practices, lessons learnt and first-hand experience from the implementation of field measures, communication activities, legal regulation or other actions in invasive plant management.
We kindly invite interested participants to share their experience through paper and poster presentations addressing the IAS issue through one of the following topics:
- Overall situation in European countries regarding invasive plant threats in nature conservation. Lists and databases of invasive alien plant species. Early detection systems, risk assessment, prevention practices and monitoring of biological invasions.
- Aspects of legal regulation on EU and national levels regarding import, marketing and plantation of alien species (incl. horticulture, forestry), production of species with a significant economic interest, introduction of new management protocols and practices of invasive plants.
- Available funding sources for IAS management for public bodies and private actors.
- Communication and engaging the public in invasive alien species management. Stakeholder involvement and intersectoral communication on invasive alien plants. Land use conflicts, critical issues, citizens’ role and cooperation of different sectors.
- Field experiences, best practices in IAS management. Working methods for eradication of invasive plant species, mechanical and chemical control technologies applicable in protected areas/Natura 2000 sites. Mechanical eradication methods (incl. land use regimes), gentle chemical techniques, landscape level eradication strategies, special management problems in wetlands.
- Special focus will be on the following species but presentations concerning other terrestrial and aquatic invasive plant species are also welcome:
Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Amorpha fruticosa, Asclepias syriaca, Celtis occidentalis, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Prunus serotina, Robinia pseudoacacia, Solidago spp., others: e.g. Heracleum spp., Fallopia spp., Xanthium spp., Impatiens glandulifera, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, neophyton aquatic plants, etc.
Paper submission
In parallel to submitting your registration through the Registration form please send a short abstract of your presentation or poster by e-mail to by the 1st of February 2016. 10th of March (extended!).
Abstracts should be not longer than 1 page, and should contain at least the following information, in English (in doc or PDF format):
- Presentation type: poster or paper
- Title
- Keywords
- Short summary
- Preferred time length for your presentation
- Authors (and presenter) name, organisation, position/title
Time allocated for each presentation will vary between 5-20 minutes. The decision about accepting or rejecting abstracts and the allocation of time will be taken by the organising committee of Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate and WWF Hungary.
We would like to include in the programme as many relavant papers as possible, since the contribution of the participants in the form of short presentations, posters and active participation in the discussion sections will be the backbone of the workshop.
Abstracts will be made public on this website as part of the workshop outcome.
Posters will be exhibited on the day of arrival, and taken off in the evening of the second day of the workshop. Depeding on interest, we plan to dedicate a separate poster section to presenting them.
All regular poster formats and sizes are accepted.